class: center, middle # Learning Binary Relations ### Presented by Alan Duan --- # Motivation of Binary Relations Let's start by considering the set of all students (let's call it `\(S\)`), and the set of all topics in this course (`\(T\)`). -- `\(S\)` and `\(T\)` are **related** by some rule. -- Consider one relation: Student `\(s\)` presents topic `\(t\)`. -- For example, Alan presents the topic '_learning binary relations_', and Mark presented both '_tail inequalities_' and '_realizable selective sampling_'. -- Clearly, student `\(s\)` either presents topic `\(t\)`, or does not. -- The predicate relating the two sets of variables is either true or false. -- We call this a **binary relation**. --- # Formal Definition of Binary Relations A binary relation `\(R\)` between two sets `\(A\)` and `\(B\)` is a subset of `\(A \times B\)`. -- Each binary relation is associated with a predicate `\(P: A \times B \mapsto \{0,1\}\)`: -- `\( P(a,b)= \begin{cases} 1, &\text{if}\ (a,b) \in R \\ 0, &\text{otherwise} \end{cases} \)` -- Note : 1. Binary relations can be defined between different set (e.g.: Netflix user and movie), or the set with itself (e.g.: the relation 'divides' between `\(\mathbb{N}_+\)` and `\(\mathbb{N}_+\)`). -- 2. In binary relations, the order matters. --- # Representing a Binary Relations - `\(n \times m\)` binary matrix `\( \begin{array}{c|ccc} & \text{Topics in Learning Theory} & \text{Machine Learning} & \text{Operating System} \\ \hline Alan & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ Bob & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ Cathy & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ David & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array} \)` -- - 2-column table .center[ | Student | Course | |---------|---------------------------| | Alan | Topics in Learning Theory | | Bob | Topics in Learning Theory | | Bob | Machine Learning | | Cathy | Operating System | ] --- # Representing a Binary Relations (cont'd) - Bipartite graph .center[![Bipartite Graph](] --- # Learning Binary Relations ### Setting We are learning binary relations between two set `\(A\)` and `\(B\)` represented by predicate `\(P\)`. Denote `\(|A| = n\)` and `\(|B| = m\)`. In each trial `\(t\)`: - learner is given an unlabeled pair of object `\(x_t = (a_t,b_t)\)`, where `\(a_t \in A,b_t \in B\)` - learner predicts `\(\hat y_t = \)` 0 or 1 - reveals the answer `\(y_t\)` - if answer and prediction are different, record it as a *mistake* Goal: Minimize the number of incorrect predictions --- # Learning Binary Relations **Question: Can we reduce the learning of binary relations to something we have seen?** -- **Yes!** -- - `\(\mathcal{X} = A \times B\)`, `\(\mathcal{Y} = \{0,1\}\)` - Target hypothesis `\(h = P\)` This is an online concept learning (realizable) setting! -- Note : 1. In this presentation, we will use these notation from concept learning interchangably from time to time. 2. We will see what is special about learning binary relations in a bit! --- # Learning Binary Relations ### A few more terms Let `\(\mathcal{X}\)` be a finite learning domain. Let `\(C\)` be a concept class over `\(\mathcal{X}\)`. A learner is *consistent* if, on every trial, there exists some concept `\(c \in C \)` such that: `\( c(x_k)= \begin{cases} \hat y_t, &\text{if}\ k = t \\ y_{k}, &\text{if}\ k = 1,\dots,t-1 \end{cases} \)` A *query sequence* `\(\pi = \langle x_1, x_2, \dots, x_{|\mathcal{X}|} \rangle\)` is a permutation of `\(\mathcal{X}\)`, where `\(x_t \in \mathcal{X}\)` is the instance presented to the learner at the `\(t^{\text{th}}\)` trial. --- # Learning Binary Relations Who determines the query sequence? -- **Director**! -- In this presentation, we will consider the following settings: - Director Agnostic: we want some mistake bounds regardless of the director. -- - Self-directed: the learner itself chooses `\(\pi\)`. -- - Teacher-directed: A teacher who knows the target relation and wants to minimize the learner's mistakes by choosing `\(\pi\)`; Teacher can choose `\(x_t\)` with the knowledge of 1) target relation, 2) `\(x_1, \dots, x_{t-1}\)`, 3) `\(\hat y_1,\dots,\hat y_{t-1}\)`. -- - Adversary-directed: An adversary who tries to maximize the learner's mistakes, knows the learner's algorithm and has unlimited computing power, chooses `\(\pi\)`. -- For teacher-directed setting, we want to consider **worst case mistake bound** over all consistent learners. (why?) --- # Motivation of k-binary-relations Now let's talk about what can be special about binary relations. -- 1. There are two sets of objects (instead of one) 2. We are learning a relationship between the two sets (instead of some concepts for classification) -- Then it's natural to impose some **structures** in the relation. -- If there's no structure, we can't do any better than random guessing. -- What can be a natural structure? --- # Motivation of k-binary-relations Consider our example of "student presenting topic in this class" again. -- **We know each student only presents at most once.** -- Then if we want to learn which topic Alan presents, how many possibilities there are? -- Equiv : If we represent this binary relation using a `\(n \times m\)` matrix, how many possible *row type* could the row for Alan be? `\( \begin{array}{c|ccc} & \text{Splitting Index} & \text{Equivalence Queries} & \text{...} & \text{Leaderboard} \\ \hline Alan & ? & ? & ... & ? \\ \end{array} \)` -- First of all, it's a fixed number! -- Second, it's way less than `\(2^m\)` (where `\(m\)` is total number of topics) -- A little math tells us the answer is `\(m + 1\)`. -- We use `\(k\)` to represent the distinct row types in the matrix. We call this type of relation *`\(k\)`-binary-relations*. --- # General bounds applied to all directors **Theorem 1 (Lower Bound)** For any `\(0 < \beta \le 1\)`, any prediction algorithm makes at least `\((1-\beta)km + n\lfloor \log(\beta k) \rfloor - (1-\beta)k\lfloor \log(\beta k) \rfloor\)` mistakes regardless of the query sequence. -- **Proof** : We prove the bound by showing that for any algorithm, there exists a matrix (filled by adversary) that forces the learner to make such number of mistakes. -- For entries in the first `\(p\)` columns, the adversary replies that the learner's prediction is incorrect. For entries in the first `\(q\)` rows, the adversary also replies that the learner's prediction is incorrect. -- Constraint for adversary: it cannot create too many row types. -- By forcing mistakes in the first `\(p\)` columns, at most `\(2^p\)` row types can be created. By forcing mistakes in the first `\(q\)` rows, at most `\(q\)` row types can be created. $$2^p + q = k$$ --- **Proof** (cont'd): By forcing mistakes in the first `\(p\)` columns, at most `\(2^p\)` row types can be created. By forcing mistakes in the first `\(q\)` rows, at most `\(q\)` row types can be created. $$2^p + q = k$$ Set `\(2^p = \beta k\)`, `\(q = (1-\beta) k\)`, we can get `\(p = \lfloor \log(\beta k) \rfloor\)`, `\(q = (1-\beta)k\)`. The mistake bound: `\((1-\beta)k \cdot m + \lfloor \log(\beta k) \rfloor \cdot n - (1-\beta)k\lfloor \log(\beta k) \rfloor\)`. .center[![:scale 60%](] --- # General bounds applied to all directors **Theorem 2 (Upper Bound)** The halving algorithm achieves a `\(km + (n-k)\log k\)` mistake bound. -- **Proof** : We know halving algorithm makes at most `\(\log |C|\)` mistakes. The question is what is `\(|C|\)`. -- We count how large `\(C\)` can be: -- There are `\((2^m)^k = 2^{km}\)` ways to select `\(k\)` row types. -- There are `\(k^{(n-k)}\)` ways to assign one of the row types to each of the remaining `\(n-k\)` rows. -- `\(|C| \le 2^{km}k^{(n-k)}\)`. -- `\(\log|C| \le km + (n-k)\log k\)`. -- Note : Halving algorithm (in general) can be computationally expensive! --- # Self-directed learning **Theorem 3 (Upper Bound)** There exists an algorithm that achieves `\(km + (n-k)\lfloor \log k \rfloor\)` mistake bound in self-directed learning setting. -- **Proof** : We prove existence by showing one. -- Learner chooses to query row-by-row. Denote the learner's current estimate as `\(\hat k\)`. Initialize `\(\hat k = 1\)`. -- For the first row: - Guess all entries. Record it as the first row type. -- For the rest rows: - Predict row `\(i\)`, column `\(j\)`'s value according to a majority vote of the recorded row templates that are consistent with row `\(i\)` - If no such consistent template exists, guess all the rest entries in row `\(i\)`, and record it as a new type. `\(\hat k = \hat k + 1\)`. --- How many mistakes have we made? - For each new row template, we make at most `\(m\)` on each. Total is `\(km\)`. - For each of the rest rows, we make at most `\(\lfloor \log \hat k \rfloor \le \lfloor \log k \rfloor\)` mistakes. The total is `\((n-k)\lfloor \log k \rfloor\)`. - Add up, we have the desired bound `\(km + (n-k)\lfloor \log k \rfloor\)`. -- Note : 1. Similar flavour as the halving algorithm -- but computationally tractable. -- 2. Do not need to know `\(k\)` a priori. -- 3. This bound is within a constant factor of the general lower bound (Theorem 1). --- # Teacher-directed **Theorem 4 (Upper Bound)** The number of mistakes made with a helpful teacher as the director is at most `\(km + (n-k)(k-1)\)`. -- **Proof**: First, the teacher presents the learner with one row of each type. -- Then, for the rest of `\((n-k)\)` rows, the teacher presents `\((k-1)\)` entries to distinguish it from the incorrect row types. After this, for the rest of `\((n-k)\)` rows, its row type can be uniquely identified, and no more mistakes will be made. -- In total, the learner makes at most `\(km + (n-k)(k-1)\)` mistakes. --- # Teacher-directed **Theorem 5 (Lower Bound)** The number of mistakes made with a helpful teacher as the director is at least `\(\min \{nm, km + (n-k)(k-1)\}\)`. --- **Proof**: .center[![:scale 50%](] For the first `\(k\)` rows, they are of different row type. `\(km\)` mistakes are made. -- For the rest of the rows: When `\((m+1) \ge k\)`: we need to know all first `\(k-1\)` columns to uniquely identify the row type. When `\((m+1) < k\)`: we need to know all `\(m\)` columns to uniquely identify the row type. -- Adding up, the mistake bound is `\(\min \{km + (n-k)m, km + (n-k)(k-1)\}\)`. --- # Teacher-directed **Question: Recall that the mistake bound for learner director is `\(km + (n-k)\lfloor \log k \rfloor\)`, while teacher-directed bound is `\(km + (n-k)(k-1)\)`. Why is it even worse?** -- Teacher-directed case apply to all consistent learners! -- A consistent learner may do *minority-vote* instead of *majority-vote*. --- # Adversary-directed **Theorem 6 (Lower Bound)** Any prediction algorithm makes at least `\(\min\{nm, km+(n-k)\lfloor \log k \rfloor\}\)` mistakes against an adversary-selected query sequence. -- **Proof**: The high level idea is to do the reverse of what the helpful teacher does -- try not to reveal the full information of row types! -- First, the adversary presents entries in the first `\(\min\{m,\lfloor \log k \rfloor\}\)` columns for all `\(n\)` rows, and replies with each prediction is incorrect. -- Second, if `\(m > \lfloor \log k \rfloor\)`, the adversary presents remaining `\(m - \lfloor \log k \rfloor\)` columns for each of the `\(k\)` row type, and forces mistakes on all of them. -- Adding up the number of mistakes, we get the desired bound. --- # Adversary-directed How about upper bound? -- Recall that if efficiency is not a concern, we can always run halving algorithm to get an upper bound of `\(km+(n-k)\lfloor \log k \rfloor\)`. -- If efficiency *is* a concern...let's start by considering a smaller `\(k\)`. -- For `\(k = 1\)`, we are fine. Can achieve at most `\(m\)` mistakes. -- How about `\(k = 2\)`? --- # Adversary-directed **Theorem 7 (Upper Bound when `\(k\)`=2)** There exists a polynomial prediction algorithm that makes at most `\(2m+n-2\)` mistakes against adversary-selected query sequence when `\(k=2\)`. -- **Proof**: Let's do it on board! --- # Adversary-directed How about `\(k \ge 3\)`? -- **We don't know!** -- To find if there's a matrix with at most `\(k\)` row types that is consistent with a partially known matrix `\(M\)`, is *NP-complete*. -- To have a polynomial-time `\(k\)`-colorability oracle, we need to prove *P=NP*. -- This is left as an exercise. --- # Conclusion and Takeaways 1. In previous lectures, we usually focus on learner's algorithm, and assume the environment (director) as the worst case (adversary). It turns out to be not true in many real life cases. Maybe the director is trying to help learner to learn. And in those cases, we can indeed improve learner's performance. -- 2. It may be interesting to consider other "structures" in the learning setting. It may also be interesting to see how the results extend to k-ary relations. -- 3. Some learning on proof technique: to prove an upper bound, we can prove by showing an algorithm that satisfies the bound; to prove a lower bound, we can prove by showing there exists an adversary setting that all algorithms make at least this amount of mistake. --- # Reference 1. Learning Binary Relations and Total Orders, *Sally A. Goldman, Ronald L. Rivest, and Robert E. Schapire*, SIAM Journal on Computing 1993 22:5, 1006-1034.